I can’t believe I’m writing this post right now, my oldest little, Fenna Mae, turns three today and I honestly am not sure where the last three years have gone. With how crazy busy our lives have been, it’s already hard for me to remember when this little lady was just a baby. She has already, in these three short years, grown into such a beautiful, sweet, and intelligent young lady and my life is so much fuller because of her. She makes everyone she meets smile and laugh (especially if there is cake around!) and I just can’t get enough of her adorable little face! Right now she LOVES Peppa Pig, flashcards, cake, spinning/dancing, numbers, letters and shapes and is starting to be curious about telling time. I tell ya, this little one is going to surpass my knowledge level before too long! One thing she is not fond of is taking pictures! So, for her three year old session I may have carried a bag of M&M’s with me to bribe her with…and I’m ok with that because it worked and I am in love with the images below! I am so, SO incredibly blessed to call Fenna Mae my daughter and I can’t wait to see how she will continue to grow this next year.

Fenna Mae Turns Three | Milestone Session | Omaha Child Photographer
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