Baby Declyn decided to make his appearance into this world a few weeks early at FOUR in the morning! Needless to say, it made for one very long night for his parents, but when he arrived so much excitement and love filled the room that made every tired moment worth it! I LOVED capturing this …
Tag Archives: Omaha Birth Photography

Baby N | Birth Story | Omaha Birth Photographer
Every Birth Story is unique and beautiful, this one was also FAST! Mom was in labor for a total of 4 hours before little Baby N decided to make her appearance! Thankfully, I followed my gut and decided to head to the hospital sooner rather than later once I heard Mom was in labor. I …

Baby Anagha | Omaha Newborn Photographer | Lifestyle Photography
I think this is seriously the sweetest family I have ever met! I was so honored to not only capture some images from Anagha’s baby naming ceremony, but a few weeks later they came to my little home studio so I could also take her newborn photos! I loved all of my time with this …

Baby Marlowe | Fresh 48 | Omaha Newborn Photographer
Oh my word! I don’t even know what to say with this post! My sweet cousin gave birth to her third little one and I was so fortunate to be able to capture some of Marlowe’s sweet first hours with her parents at the hospital! With each Fresh 48 session I do, I fall so …

Baby Atlas: A Birth Story | Omaha Birth Photography
Oh my, this birth story is so beautiful, I have been so excited to share it! Perri contacted me only about 2 weeks prior to her due date to inquire about birth photography. Thankfully, I was open and so excited to have a birth so close! Perri’s husband was overseas, so she also had the …

Baby Marshall | Birth Story | Omaha Birth Photography
Baby Marshall joined my little family as baby number 3 (all under 3 years of age!!) on May 21, 2016. His actual due date was June 2, so he was ready to come early and I was definitely ready to meet him! I worked a full day at my day job on Friday, May …

Brooks: A Birth Story | Omaha Birth Photographer
Oh my! It is so hard to find words for this post because it was such an amazing experience that I literally don’t know how to describe it! On 4/26/2016 I went to my day job as usual, knowing that Lindsay was going in to be induced that morning at 6 AM. Let me tell …

New Brochures | Omaha Birth Photographer
I am so, so, SO EXCITED to show off my new brochures that are focused on Maternity, Birth, and Lifestyle Newborn Photography! I worked with Annie at Off-Center Design to create these and I am absolutely in LOVE with how they turned out! Annie helped me every step of the way and was consistently professional …

The Nitty Gritty | Start Up Series | Post 2
To jump forward a few years, from 2011 to 2014 I taught myself to shoot in Manual Mode (SO important) and invested in a new lens (50mm 1.4) which I am still currently using today! These two things were HUGE. I started enlisting my friends to let me practice on them and created a Facebook …

Beautiful and Bold | Omaha Birth Photographer
I am coming to find that Birth Photography is a concept that is not yet widely accepted in the Midwest. However, if you saw my 2016 post, you know that I am determined to show Omaha and surrounding areas that Birth Photography is a BEAUTIFUL and BOLD thing to do! I think the reason it …